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Renegade 125cc Cruiser 156FMI

Show First 12 Product(s)

Brake Pads - FA093
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Brake Pads - FA093

Price:   £8.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: BR010013

Brake Shoes - VB321 Cruiser Series
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Brake Shoes - VB321 Cruiser Series

Price:   £14.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: BR004009


Brake Micro Switch - Front
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Brake Micro Switch - Front

Price:   £7.20  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL014000

Cam Rocker -156FMI / 157FMI
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Cam Rocker -156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £24.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP016001

Carburettor 125cc PZ 26 (Spring Loaded Choke Lever)
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Carburettor 125cc PZ 26 (Spring Loaded Choke Lever)

Price:   £26.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CB005001

Chain - Heavy Duty 428H Black
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Chain - Heavy Duty 428H Black

Price:   £17.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT001002

Chain - 428H Heavy Duty GOLD
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Chain - 428H Heavy Duty GOLD

Price:   £16.49  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: 428HGLD132

Chain Riveting and Cutting Tool
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Chain Riveting and Cutting Tool

Price:   £24.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CHNTL01

Chain Splitter Cutting Tool
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Chain Splitter Cutting Tool

Price:   £12.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CHNTL03

Chain Split Link 428
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Chain Split Link 428

Price:   £2.64  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT001004a

Chain Split Link 428H Gold
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Chain Split Link 428H Gold

Price:   £2.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)


Chain & Sprockets Set Cruiser
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Chain & Sprockets Set Cruiser

Price:   £29.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CSK26a

Chain & Sprockets Set Cruiser GOLD
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Chain & Sprockets Set Cruiser GOLD

Price:   £29.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)


Clutch Cable - Cruiser
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Clutch Cable - Cruiser

Price:   £13.20  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CA002002

Clutch Lever - XF & QM125-2C  Cruisers
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Clutch Lever - XF & QM125-2C Cruisers

Price:   £24.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LE001009

Clutch Nut Removal Tool
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Clutch Nut Removal Tool

Price:   £14.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)



Clutch Plates - Friction Plates 156FMI / 157FMI
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Clutch Plates - Friction Plates 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £8.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CL018002a

Clutch Plates Pack
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Clutch Plates Pack

Price:   £14.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CLPLT001a

Crankshaft - 156FMI / 157FMI
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Crankshaft - 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £59.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP018001

Cylinder Kit 125cc Bore Set - Std 156FMI / 157FMI
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Cylinder Kit 125cc Bore Set - Std 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £48.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP007014

Cylinder Kit 150cc Upgrade Kit - 156FMI / 157FMI
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Cylinder Kit 150cc Upgrade Kit - 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £60.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP017000

Cylinder Head - 125cc Twin Exhaust Port ( EGR ) Fitted Valves & Springs
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Cylinder Head - 125cc Twin Exhaust Port ( EGR ) Fitted Valves & Springs

Price:   £186.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP016003vEGR


Cylinder Head - 125cc with Twin Exhaust Port ( EGR )
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Cylinder Head - 125cc with Twin Exhaust Port ( EGR )

Price:   £144.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP016003

Cylinder Head - 125cc with Twin Exhaust Port ( Non EGR)
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Cylinder Head - 125cc with Twin Exhaust Port ( Non EGR)

Price:   £64.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP017013


EGR Blanking Plate
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EGR Blanking Plate

Price:   £3.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)


EGR Blank Plate Gasket
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EGR Blank Plate Gasket

Price:   £2.40  (Inc  VAT at 20%)


Flasher Relay
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Flasher Relay

Price:   £9.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL005001

Fork Seals
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Fork Seals

Price:   £4.80  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: OS001005

Gear Box Main Shaft - 156FM / 157FMI
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Gear Box Main Shaft - 156FM / 157FMI

Price:   £30.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: GE008013

Gear Box Counter Shaft - 156FM / 157FMI
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Gear Box Counter Shaft - 156FM / 157FMI

Price:   £30.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: GE008014

Ignition Coil - 156 FMI / 157 FMI Series Plastic Cap
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Ignition Coil - 156 FMI / 157 FMI Series Plastic Cap

Price:   £9.95  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CO005001

Ignition Coil - High Performance 156 FMI / 157 FMI
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Ignition Coil - High Performance 156 FMI / 157 FMI

Price:   £12.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CO005013

Indicator Bulbs - Pair
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Indicator Bulbs - Pair

Price:   £9.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI001006

Indicator Bulbs (Orange) - Pair
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Indicator Bulbs (Orange) - Pair

Price:   £9.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI001007

Indicator Custom Series Front Chromed
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Indicator Custom Series Front Chromed

Price:   £14.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI004004

Indicator Custom Series Rear Chromed
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Indicator Custom Series Rear Chromed

Price:   £14.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI004003

Regulator / Rectifier -156 FMI / 157FMI Male Block
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Regulator / Rectifier -156 FMI / 157FMI Male Block

Price:   £15.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: RE001019

Headlamp Bulb
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Headlamp Bulb

Price:   £13.20  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI012002


Horn - Cruiser 105db 12v
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Horn - Cruiser 105db 12v

Price:   £6.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL003004

Pannier Side Bags - Hard Leather Pair
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Pannier Side Bags - Hard Leather Pair

Price:   £60.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: BW014005


Spark Plug - D8TC
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Spark Plug - D8TC

Price:   £4.80  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EP001053

Sprocket Front 15 Tooth
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Sprocket Front 15 Tooth

Price:   £4.94  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT006003

Sprocket Front 16 Tooth
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Sprocket Front 16 Tooth

Price:   £4.94  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT006004

Sprocket Rear - 41 T
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Sprocket Rear - 41 T

Price:   £15.95  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT006007

Sprocket Rear - 42 T
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Sprocket Rear - 42 T

Price:   £15.95  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT006005

Sprocket Fixing Pins - Rear Sprocket
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Sprocket Fixing Pins - Rear Sprocket

Price:   £9.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: DT012003

Speedometer Cable - XF / QM125-2C  / DFE 125L
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Speedometer Cable - XF / QM125-2C / DFE 125L

Price:   £10.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CA007004

Starter Clutch 156FMI / 157FMI
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Starter Clutch 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £30.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: STCL002

Starter Motor - 9 Tooth 156FMI / 157FMI
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Starter Motor - 9 Tooth 156FMI / 157FMI

Price:   £36.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL009006

Chrome Starter Motor Cover
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Chrome Starter Motor Cover

Price:   £19.99  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EC002006

Starter Relay 125 - 200cc with Bullet Connectors
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Starter Relay 125 - 200cc with Bullet Connectors

Price:   £9.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL022002

Stator Magneto - 156 FMI / 157 FMI
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Stator Magneto - 156 FMI / 157 FMI

Price:   £30.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: EL016001

Stop/Tail Bulb
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Stop/Tail Bulb

Price:   £7.44  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI001003

Tail Light - Custom Series
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Tail Light - Custom Series

Price:   £36.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI008009


Throttle Cable -  Cruiser
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Throttle Cable - Cruiser

Price:   £15.60  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: CA008019

Wedge Bulb 12v - 3W
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Wedge Bulb 12v - 3W

Price:   £6.24  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LI012010

Wheel Front - XF125L-4B Cruiser
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Wheel Front - XF125L-4B Cruiser

Price:   £96.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: WH002012

Wheel Rear -  XF125L-4B Cruiser
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Wheel Rear - XF125L-4B Cruiser

Price:   £108.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: WH002011

1 Litre Putoline Semi-Synthetic Super DX4 engine oil.
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1 Litre Putoline Semi-Synthetic Super DX4 engine oil.

Price:   £12.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LU003001

500ml DOT 4 Brake Fluid
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500ml DOT 4 Brake Fluid

Price:   £16.80  (Inc  VAT at 20%)

Ref: LU003004

Service Kit 156FMI CG Series 125cc / 150cc
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Service Kit 156FMI CG Series 125cc / 150cc

Price:   £18.00  (Inc  VAT at 20%)


Show First 12 Product(s)